Get the chunks to the provided webhook
If you set up a webhook in the chunking request, Preprocess will call the URL provided in the webhook parameter when the parsing of your document has finished. The webhook request will be a POST in JSON format
The POST request to the provided webhook in case of success.
"status": "OK",
"success": true,
"message": "The file has been chunked successfully.",
"info": {
"name": string
"data": {
"id": string
"detected_language": string ,
"chunks": [
"first chunk …",
"second chunk …",
The POST request to the provided webhook in case of error.
"status": "ERROR",
"success": false,
"error": …object_with_additional_data…,
"message": "An error happened during the chunking of your document, please try again later"
About the received data:
success: false if the process is not yet finished, true otherwise.
data > process > id: the process ID you received in the response of the parsing request.
data > detected_language: the language you provided in the parsing request, or the one automatically detected.
data > chunks: the list of chunks the document has been divided into.
info > file > name: the name of the file you uploaded.